JoshJers' Ramblings

Infrequently-updated blog about software development, game development, and music

Protecting Coders From Ourselves: Better Mutex Protection

At some point, if you’ve done multithreaded programming, you’ve probably used a mutex (or some other locking mechanism). Locks are relatively straightforward to understand and use (“lock this thing before accessing your data and unlock it when you’re done”), but they do have their issues. The most commonly-discussed issue with using locks is the dreaded deadlock, scourge of many a poor soul who needed to hold multiple locks at once for something.

But we’re not here to talk about deadlocks…instead, I’d like to focus on a problem that I have encountered much more frequently: accidentally reading or modifying protected data without having acquired the lock.

That’s right, we’re once again going to try to protect ourselves from our worst enemy: ourselves.


As with the previous entry in this semi-series, the examples and implementation are in C++, but you can probably build something similar in your language of choice (unless it doesn’t need it).

An Easy Mistake

It turns out it’s surprisingly easy to not grab a lock before reading or writing things that need to be synchronized. Here’s a toy example:

void Foo::IncrementThing(int c)
  // Lock the mutex correctly!
  std::lock_guard lock { m_mutex };
  m_thing += c;

void Foo::DecrementThing(int c)
  m_thing -= c; // Whoops, no lock!

In the real world, “oops I accessed a thing outside of the lock” bugs tend to be more subtle - it can be especially hard to notice when a thing that should be present isn’t. Since all of the accesses are to normal members of your class/struct/global scope/whatever, it’s easy to slip and put an access to a value where it wasn’t intended, and wasn’t propertly protected.

But what if instead you could do something more like the following:

// Note: this is pseudocode, not actual C++
class Foo
  // ... class stuff ...

  // Mysterious m_state object that protects everything inside of it with a mutex
  MutexProtected m_state
    int m_thing = 0;

void Foo::IncrementThing(int c)
  lock (m_state) // Lock here
    m_thing += c; // Only accessible in the lock

  // m_thing += c; // Won't compile: Can't access outside of lock

Basically, what if you could have some sort of protected wrapper around the state that walls it off and makes it inaccessible except when the lock is actually held? With something like that it would become much more difficult to get at values when it shouldn’t be allowed.

Protecting Coders From Ourselves: Min, Max, Lerp, and Clamp

Imagine this: you’ve got some value, x, that you want to ensure is at least 1. That is to say, you want to ensure its minimum value is 1. So, being the smart, experienced programmer that you are, you write the following:

x = Min(x, 1);

You give yourself the small, satisfied nod of a job well done and run the program and then it all goes immediately sideways because that should have been Max and not Min.

If you’ve been writing code for basically any length of time, the above was probably less an “imagine this” and more a “remember this” because if you’re anything like me, you’ve done this over. and over. and over.

Inspired by once again mistakenly using Min instead of Max to limit the minimum allowed value of something, I’ve decided to start a little series (will it have more than one entry? who knows!) called Protecting Coders From Ourselves, in which we rework some bit of API surface to make it less error-prone. We’re going to deal with the “I chose the wrong Min/Max again” problem, but first I want to talk about Clamp and Lerp.

Parser Stuff: Strings

A while back I was working on a programming language idea and while I haven’t made any progress on it in ages, I really liked the string design that I came up with. I don’t know that any of the ideas are original, but I haven’t seen anything exactly like it so I figure I’d throw the idea out into the ether in case anyone else happens to do something similar in their own personal language that they definitely shouldn’t be making 😆

(I’ll note upfront: this design uses dollar signs ($) and backticks(`). There are many languages that do so (like Javascript!) but these keys are not universally on all keyboards internationally so for those locales it may be more difficult to type these out…my language design was pretty much just for me with my standard US keyboard so I didn’t take this into account)

Emulating the FMAdd Instruction, Part 2: 64-bit Floats

(This post follows Part 1: 32-bit floats and will make very little sense without having read that one first. Honestly, it might make little sense having read that one first, I dunno!)

Last time we went over how to calculate the results of the FMAdd instruction (a fused-multiply-add calculated as if it had infinite internal precision) for 32-bit single-precision float values:

  • Calculate the double-precision product of a and b
  • Add this product to c to get a double-precision sum
  • Calculate the error of the sum
  • Use the error to odd-round the sum
  • Round the double-precision sum back down to single precision

This requires casting up to a 64-bit double-precision float to get extra bits of precision. But what if you can’t do that? What if you’re using doubles? You can’t just (in most cases) cast up to a quad-precision float. So what do you do?

Double-Precision FMAdd

(Like the 32-bit version, this is based on Emulation of FMA and correctly-rounded sums: proved algorithms using rounding to odd by Sylvie Boldo and Guillaume Melquiond, there are additional details in there)

To do this natively as doubles, we need to invent a new operation: MulWithError. This is the multiplication equivalent of the AddWithError function from the 32-bit solution:

(double prod, double err) MulWithError(double x, double y)
  double prod = x * y;
  double err = // ??? how do we do this
  return (prod, err);

We’ll get to how to implement that in a moment, but first we’ll walk through how to use that function to calculate a proper FMAdd.

Emulating the FMAdd Instruction, Part 1: 32-bit Floats

A thing that I had to do at work is write an emulation of the FMAdd (fused multiply-add) instruction for hardware where it wasn’t natively supported (specifically I was writing a SIMD implementation, but the idea is the same), and so I thought I’d share a little bit about how FMAdd works, since I’ve already been posting about how float rounding works.

So, screw it, here we go with another unnecessarily technical, mathy post!

What is the FMAdd Instruction?

A fused multiply-add is basically doing a multiply and an add as a single operation, and it gives you the result as if it were computed with infinite precision and then rounded down at the final result. FMAdd computes (a * b) + c without intermediate floating-point error being introduced:

float FMAdd(float a, float b, float c)
  // ??? Somehow do this with no intermediate rounding
  return (a * b) + c; 

Computing it normally (using the code above) for some values will get you double rounding (explained in a moment) which means you might be an extra bit off (or, more formally, one ULP) from where your actual result should be. An extra bit doesn’t sound like a lot, but it can add up over many operations.

Fused multiply-add avoids this extra rounding, making it more accurate than a multiply followed by a separate add, which is great! (It can also be faster if it’s supported by hardware but, as you’ll see, computing it without a dedicated instruction on the CPU is actually surprisingly spendy, especially once you get into doing it for 64-bit floats, but sometimes you need precision instead of performance).

C++17-Style Hex Floats (And How To Parse Them)

C++17 added support for hex float literals, so you can put more bit-accurate floating point values into your code. They’re handy to have, and I wanted to be able to parse them from a text file in a C# app I was writing.

Some examples:

0x1.0p0         // == 1.0
0x1.8p1         // == 3
0x8.0p-3        // == 1.0
0x0.8p1         // == 1.0
0xAB.CDEFp-10   // == 0.16777776181697846
0x0.0000000ABp0 // == 2.4883775040507317E-09

What Am I Even Looking At Here?

(Before reading this, if you don’t have a good feel for how floats work, maybe check my previous post about floats (and float rounding))

I had a bit of a mental block on this number format for a bit - like, what does it even mean to have fractional hex digits? But it turns out it’s a concept that we already use all the time and my brain just needed some prodding to make the connection.

With our standard base 10 numbers, moving the decimal point left one digit means dividing the number by 10:

12.3 == 1.23 * 10^1 == 0.123 * 10^2

Hex floats? Same deal, just in 16s instead:

0x1B.C8 == 0x1.BC8 * 16^1 == 0x0.1BC8 * 16^2

Okay, so now what’s the “p” part in the number? Well, that’s the start of the exponent. A standard float has an exponent starting with ‘e’:

1.3e2 == 1.3 * 10^2

But ‘e’ is a hex digit, so you can’t use ‘e’ anymore as the exponent starter, so they chose ‘p’ instead (why not ‘x’, the second letter? Probably because a hex number starts with ‘0x’, so ‘x’ also already has a use - but ‘p’ is free so it wins)

The exponent for a hex float is in powers of 2 (so it corresponds perfectly to the exponent as it is stored in the value), so:

0x1.ABp3 == 0x1.AB * 2^3

So that’s how a hex float literal works! Here’s a quick breakdown:

<hex-digits>[ '.' [fractional-hex-digits]] 'p' <exponent>
(Parsing code below the fold)

Wordpress No More

I’ve ported the blog off of Wordpress onto a static site generator (Specifically, 11ty/Eleventy). I have a bit more control over the format here, and it’s easier for me to write pages (Wordpress was fighting me on all sorts of formatting which I can just do now).

What this means is I can finally start copying over the rest of my posts that were on (the now-defunct, sadly) (rest easy, little eggbug).

Likely there are things on the new site that aren’t set up correctly yet, so if you happen to notice anything, find me on Bluesky or Mastodon and let me know!

And now, for fun, here’s a pic I took in November at Arches National Park:

Photo of Delicate Arch

Floating Point Numbers and Rounding

I was writing about how to parse C++17-style hex floating point literals, and in doing so I ended up writing a bunch about how floats work in general (and specifically how floating point rounding happens), so I opted to split it off from that post into its own, since it’s already probably way too many words as it is?

Here we go!

How Floats Work

sign exponent mantissa 0 f e+f

If you don’t know, a floating point number (At least, an IEEE 754 float, which effectively all modern hardware supports), consists of three parts:

  • Sign bit – the upper bit of the float is the sign bit: 1 if the float is negative, 0 if it’s positive.
  • Exponent – the next few bits (8 bits for a 32-bit float, 11 bits for a 64-bit float) contain the exponent data, which is the power of two to multiply the given hex value with. (Note that the exponent is stored in a biased way – more on that in a moment)
  • Mantissa – the remaining bits (23 for 32-bit float, 52 for a 64-bit float) represent the fractional part of the float’s value.


A while back (over a year ago) this blog got hacked and so it’s been down for a hot minute. I’ve brought it back online and now I can finally post things on it again – I have a few things that I’ll post here and there but honestly it’s unlikely to ever be really FREQUENT around here.

But for now, it’s back!

Procyon is Greenlit!

Valve recently announced that Procyon is in the most-recent batch of titles to be given the green light for release on Steam! This is super-exciting news!

There are a few things that I want to add to Procyon before it’s ready for general Steam release: achievements, proper leaderboards, steam overlay support, etc. Basically, all of the steam features that make sense.

It’ll be a bit before it gets done, as we’re working on putting the finishing touches on Infamous: Second Son at work, so I’m a little dead by the time I get home at the moment. But once we’ve shipped, I’ll likely have the time and energy to get Procyon rolling out onto Steam.
