JoshJers' Ramblings

Infrequently-updated blog about software development, game development, and music

Procyon is released!

It’s been a ridiculously long time coming, but I’m finally breaking my radio silence on this poor, poor blog to let you know that Procyon has, in fact, finally been released!

It’s available on Desura and IndieCity:

(Way-late 2022 edit: no it’s not, anymore – both of those storefronts are gone. But it’s on Steam!)

Also check out Procyon’s nifty homepage:!

Thanks to everyone who helped get this thing out the door!

The Procyon Update Post

So. Here I am, back again after another long hiatus in blog posting. But now that Procyon is almost done, I figured I should share some news!

First and foremost, Procyon has now been posted to Steam Greenlight! And, to share some of the fun pieces of video, here’s Procyon’s trailer:

(More videos and stuff after the fold)

Oh Hey, There's A Blog Here

Is this thing on?


So apparently I forgot how to update my blog for over a year, making the previous post’s title even more accurate than it should have been.

What’s been going on, you ask? I’ll tell you.

  • I’ve switched jobs! Now I’m working at Sucker Punch Productions as a coder (working mostly on missions and the like). It’s a totally fantastic place to work. If you look ever-so-slightly close, you can find my name in the Infamous 2 credits 🙂
  • I’ve entered Procyon into DreamBuildPlay and this year’s PAX 10 (no love from the judges, though)
  • I’ve been lazy about updating my blog!
  • And I’ve updated the holy craps out of Procyon!
    • Entirely new enemies (and enemy art)
    • New levels
    • Updated special effects
    • A new level
    • All sorts of new craziness

Okay, the list isn’t as long as last post’s, but I have been busy. Some new videos:

Ridiculously Sparse Update For A Relatively-Unloved Blog

I’ll go into more detail later, but here’s a SUPER quick synopsis of the last (yikes!) six months:

  • Completed the demo build of Procyon
    • Level 3!
    • New title screen!
    • Finished game flow!
    • Working local multiplayer!
    • New control scheme!
    • New font rendering mechanism!
    • New tutorial!
    • Another bullet point with an accompanying exclamation point!
  • Sent it through several (sometimes-painful) rounds of playtest on the creator’s club forums, and got some great feedback (especially the feedback from one Jason Doucette of Xona Games, who gave some painful-to-hear but necessary criticism)
  • Submitted to the PAX 10 competition
  • Learned that I was not accepted into the PAX 10 competition 🙁
  • Started work fixing the networked multiplayer that I broke while working towards the demo (I’d disabled it for the demo so that I could keep my focus elsewhere!

Anyway, that’s my short update.  But fear not, for here, too, is a pair of videos!

Level 2 Boss-In-Progress

Just another quick update to show off a pair of videos of the in-progress level 2 boss.

First, note that the textures that I have on there currently are horrible, and I know this.  It’s okay.

The first video was simply to test the independent motion of the various moving parts of the boss:

[video gone, sadly]

aaaaand the second shows off the missile-launching capabilities of the rear hatches (complete with brand-new missile effects and embarassing flights into the direct path of the missiles!):

[video also gone, also sadly]

That’s all for now!

Update For The Past N Months


It’s been a while.

What have I been up to since early June?  Quite a bit.  On the non-game-development side of things: work’s been rather busy (still).  Also, I now own (and have made numerous improvements on) a house!  So that’s been eating up time.  But, that’s not (really) what this site is about.

(Procyon and texture generator devlog below the fold)

Networking Is Hard (Part 3)

In my previous two posts, I started looking into what it would take to code the networking for my game, and came up with a first draft, before realizing that floating point discrepancies between systems totally threw my lockstepping idea for a loop.

Lockstepping With Collisions

In order to solve the issue with different systems having different floating point calculation results, I decided to somewhat revamp the network design, and really leverage the fact that I don’t care so much about cheating – you could never get away with a networking scheme like this in a competetive game.

(Latency, packet loss, and bandwidth use analysis below the fold)

Networking Is Hard (Part 2)

In my previous post, I weighed the advantages and disadvantages of my game vs. a standard FPS with regard to networking.  After doing so, I came up with an initial network design.

The biggest issue, personally, was dealing with the causality of the network game.  Each player gets information about the other with a delay, so neither player is ever seeing exactly the same set of circumstances (perfectionism and network lag don’t mix very well).  I think Shawn Hargreaves describes it best in one of his networking presentations: he says to treat each player’s machine as a parallel world.  They’re not exact, but the idea is to try to make them look as close as possible.  It doesn’t matter  if things don’t happen exactly the same, but you don’t ever want the following conversation to occur:

Player 1: “Wow, can you believe I killed that giant enemy at the last second?  That was amazing!”

Player 2: “…What giant enemy?”

Procyon’s Initial Design

The design I started with was a hybrid of both the peer-to-peer lockstep and client-server models.

Diagram of the network system showing two systems, A and B, where each has a client and a server that talk to each other, then the servers of the two machines act as one coordinated server using network communication

Networking Is Hard (Part 1)

I haven’t had much development time in the last (nearly two) month(s), but I have had time to nearly finish up the networking code for the game, so I thought I would describe some of the work that went into the design of the system.


I tried to find some references on how most shmups (shoot-em-ups) such as my current game handle their networking, but I didn’t really find anything. There are a lot of resources on how RTS games do it (such as this great article about Age of Empires’ networking), and even more articles about how to write networking for an FPS game (the best of which, in my opinion, are the articles about the Source engine’s networking and the Unreal engine’s networking). There’s also a great series of articles on the Gaffer on Games site.

One of the most seemingly-relevant things to my game that I read was that, in current system emulators (for instance, SNES emulators) that have network play, they work in lock step with each other…that is, each system sends the other system(s) its inputs, and when all inputs from all systems have arrived, they can tick the simulation forward. I did an early experiment to see how well this would work with my game, and it turns out, not so well – the latency introduced with even a moderate ping (100ms) is rather prohibitive. The player would press up on the gamepad and have to wait for the ship to start moving…and it would only get worse with higher latencies! Obviously, this wouldn’t work.

Since there were many articles about the FPS model of networking, I opted to use it as a starting point, as my game is also a fast-action game. First off, I decided to make a (partial) list of the advantages and disadvantages of my game type vs. the FPS model: